We spend 73% of all donations directly on lifesaving animal protection programs, while the remaining funds help maintain our infrastructure and operations. Like any nonprofit organization, we carry out marketing, fundraising, and public awareness programs designed to reach the public, grow our membership, and influence key decision-makers in the public and private sectors. Supporters and others can view the breakdown of our spending ratios and the work made possible by their donations in our annual reports.

Please support rescue and relief efforts by donating to our Emergency Animal Relief Fund. Your donation will ensure that our team can continue to answer the call during times of emergency wherever and whenever animals need us.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Because Veterans with Pets isn’t affiliated with your local shelter or animal welfare agency, we can’t give you specific information about volunteer opportunities they might offer; please reach out to those local shelters and agencies directly. You can also view current volunteer opportunities on our website.

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If you have a question about our programs, please email us.

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